Branch Tracing with Σοφία

Branch tracing in Sofya (Σοφία) generates a list of covered edges in the CFG graph of the Java subject being analyzed. The edges returned are not the edges reported in the sofya.viewers.CFGViewer output however, but are instead an internally represented edge-id specific to the true/false paths (for -I if type branch coverage) that are traversed. The problem of which edge was traversed is further complicated by the way Sofya subsumes edges that are not related to the instrumented branch type (e.g. if branches.) Sofya will not enumerate intermediate edges that are present between these branches but instead only reports the edges that are directly associated with the instrumented branch type.

The best way to explain this difference in edge identifiers is by an example with a sample test program, The source for is as follows:

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Test test=new Test();

    public  String findsVertex( String theName ) {
      int i=0;
      String theVertex;
      String[] vertices=new String[]{"S","X","T","DD"};
      // if we are dealing with the root
      if ( theName==null )
          return null;

      for( i=0; i < vertices.length; i++ ) {
          theVertex = ( String )vertices[i];
          if ( theName.equals(theVertex) )
              return theVertex;
      return null;

Listing 1:

Using the sofya.graphs.cfg.jCFG analysis tool on produces the Sofya CFG file $HOME/.sofyadb/ For our example, this is the file that is created by the jCFG tool:

$ cat $HOME/.sofyadb/

0 Control Flow Information
0 File: Created: Fri May 13 07:41:50 CDT 2011
0 version 2.1.2-beta
1 "Test.public_String_findsVertex(String_arg1)" 11 11 8 8
4 Test#findsVertex#(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
3 1 2 1 1:16
3 2 4 2 2:1 T
3 3 3 2 3:1 F
3 4 10 3 3:1
3 5 5 4 2:1
3 6 9 5 5:1 T
3 7 6 5 6:1 F
3 8 8 6 4:1 T
3 9 7 6 7:1 F
3 10 10 7 7:1
3 11 5 8 4:1
3 12 10 9 5:1
0 end of method Test.public_String_findsVertex(String_arg1)
1 "Test.public_static_void_main(String[]_arg0)" 10 10 6 6
4 Test#main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V
3 1 2 1 1:16
3 2 3 2 2:8 <r>
3 3 4 3 2:8
3 4 5 4 4:8 <r>
3 5 6 5 4:8
3 6 7 6 4:8
3 7 9 2 3:8 <any>
3 8 10 4 5:8 <any>
0 end of method Test.public_static_void_main(String[]_arg0)
1 "Test.public_void_<init>()" 4 4 2 2
4 Test#<init>#()V
3 1 2 1 1:16
3 2 3 2 1:16
0 end of method Test.public_void_<init>()
Listing 2: file

This raw CFG output can be viewed using the sofya.viewers.CFViewer tool. The output from the CFVviewer for the example looks like this:

$ java sofya.viewers.CFViewer
Control Flow Information for File

Method: "Test.public_void_<init>()"
CFG root node: 1
node   label   endline   cf-successors (node-id(edge-id,"edge-label"))
   1     E          0       2(1,-)
   2     K          4       3(2,-)
   3     X          4
   4     X          4

Method: "Test.public_String_findsVertex(String_arg1)"
CFG root node: 1
node   label   endline   cf-successors (node-id(edge-id,"edge-label"))
   1     E          0       2(1,-)
   2     K         29       4(2,"T")  3(3,"F")
   3     K         33      10(4,-)
   4     K         35       5(5,-)
   5     K         40       9(6,"T")  6(7,"F")
   6     K         53       8(8,"T")  7(9,"F")
   7     K         57      10(10,-)
   8     K         61       5(11,-)
   9     K         65      10(12,-)
  10     X         65
  11     X         65

Method: "Test.public_static_void_main(String[]_arg0)"
CFG root node: 1
node   label   endline   cf-successors (node-id(edge-id,"edge-label"))
   1     E          0       2(1,-)
   2     F          4       3(2,"<r>")  9(7,"<any>")
   3     T          4       4(3,-)
   4     F         11       5(4,"<r>") 10(8,"<any>")
   5     T         11       6(5,-)
   6     K         15       7(6,-)
   7     X         15
   8     X         15
   9     X          4
  10     X         11
Listing 3: Output of CFViewer for

Drawing the CFG from the CFViewer output for the findVertex() method in would produce a CFG diagram like this:

CFG Graph of

The CFViewer output provides block and edge-ids that are correct for the purposes of analyzing the findVertex() method within the subject when basic block type analysis is performed.

Branch tracing analysis in Sofya localizes the edges of concern to only those that are representative of the branch type being traced. These edge-ids frequently diverge from the edge-ids assigned in CFG analysis due to this focus on branch-type concerns and the subsumed edges in the Sofya branch analysis.

Instrumenting the Test subject for tracing if branches using sofya.ed.cfInstrumentor and executing the subject using sofya.ed.BranchTracer produces an output file,, which contains:

$ java sofya.viewers.TraceViewer ~/.sofyadb/
Trace Information for trace file /home/username/.sofyadb/
Trace Type: If

Method: "Test.public_void_<init>()"

Method: "Test.public_String_findsVertex(String_arg1)"
Edges Hit:    2   4   6   7

Method: "Test.public_static_void_main(String[]_arg0)"
Code Listing 4: Output of TraceViewer for

Notice that the edges hit are 2, 4, 6 and 7 within the method findVertex(). If we look at what edges these are in the CFViewer output of Listing 3 above, the edges traversed are not the ones we expected, e.g. edge 4 could not have been traversed since it leads directly from node 3 to node 10 which is an error exit node and we know (by code inspection) that the program terminated normally.

Instead of looking at the edges in the CFViewer output we need to look at the branch-ids provided by the -ext option of CFViewer. The following CFViewer output using the -ext option demonstrates where these branch-ids are presented in the report:

$ java sofya.viewers.CFViewer -ext
Control Flow Information for File

Method: "Test.public_void_<init>()"
CFG root node: 1
              offsets    successors
node label    S      E     node-id(edge-id,"edge-label",[branch-ids])
   1   E      0      0     2(1,-,[1])
   2   K      0      4     3(2,-,[1])
   3   X      4      4
   4   X      0      4

Method: "Test.public_String_findsVertex(String_theName)"
CFG root node: 1
              offsets    successors
node label    S      E     node-id(edge-id,"edge-label",[branch-ids])
   1   E      0      0     2(1,-,[1])
   2   K      0     29     4(2,"T",[2])   3(3,"F",[3])
   3   K     32     33    10(4,-,[3])
   4   K     34     36     8(5,-,[2])
   5   K     39     49     7(6,"T",[5])   6(7,"F",[6])
   6   K     52     53    10(8,-,[6])
   7   K     54     54     8(9,-,[5])
   8   K     57     61     5(10,"T",[4])   9(11,"F",[7])
   9   K     64     65    10(12,-,[7])
  10   X     65     65
  11   X      0     65

Method: "Test.public_static_void_main(String[]_args)"
CFG root node: 1
              offsets    successors
node label    S      E     node-id(edge-id,"edge-label",[branch-ids])
   1   E      0      0     2(1,-,[1])
   2   F      0      4     3(2,"<r>",[2])   9(7,"<any>",[3])
   3   T      4      4     4(3,-,[2])
   4   F      7     11     5(4,"<r>",[4])  10(8,"<any>",[5])
   5   T     11     11     6(5,-,[4])
   6   K     14     15     7(6,-,[4])
   7   X     15     15
   8   X      0     15
   9   X      0      4
  10   X      7     11

In the report, the branch-ids are shown within the successor node-ids column of the report enclosed in square brackets. If we examine only the findVertex() method, the edges hit during the BranchTracer execution step (as reported by the TraceViewer in Listing 4) now make sense and can be traced through the expected execution path. The -ext output may show these branch-ids (internal edge-ids) applied in multiple places. Sofya simplifies the CFG graph to optimize the analysis by ignoring branch-types that are not instrumented and intermediate code blocks without branch statements. These ignored branch-type statements and non-branching blocks are subsumed into the graph so the analysis is focused on the instrumented branch-types only.

When diagrammed, the CFG that results from the subsumption of nodes and edges by Sofya for if branch-types would look like this (with the original nodes or subsumed nodes as comma separated lists and using these internal edge-ids labels) and the associated findVertex() method as it is represented in the file and the CFViewer -ext output for comparison:

Branch Traced If-Edges of CFG Graph of with Subsumed Edges and Nodes
1 "Test.public_String_findsVertex(String_arg1)" 11 11 8 8
4 Test#findsVertex#(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
3 1 2 1 1:16
3 2 4 2 2:1 T
3 3 3 2 3:1 F
3 4 10 3 3:1
3 5 5 4 2:1
3 6 9 5 5:1 T
3 7 6 5 6:1 F
3 8 8 6 4:1 T
3 9 7 6 7:1 F
3 10 10 7 7:1
3 11 5 8 4:1
3 12 10 9 5:1

Method: "Test.public_String_findsVertex(String_theName)"
CFG root node: 1
              offsets    successors
node label    S      E     node-id(edge-id,"edge-label",[branch-ids])
   1   E      0      0     2(1,-,[1])
   2   K      0     29     4(2,"T",[2])   3(3,"F",[3])
   3   K     32     33    10(4,-,[3])
   4   K     34     36     8(5,-,[2])
   5   K     39     49     7(6,"T",[5])   6(7,"F",[6])
   6   K     52     53    10(8,-,[6])
   7   K     54     54     8(9,-,[5])
   8   K     57     61     5(10,"T",[4])   9(11,"F",[7])
   9   K     64     65    10(12,-,[7])
  10   X     65     65
  11   X      0     65

Author: Alex Kinneer © University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Page last updated by Wayne Motycka: 08/28/2018