Package sofya.ed.semantic

Interface Summary
ChainedEventListener Interface which indicates than an event listener can be made aware that it is associated with a subset of the stream of events being produced by the system under observation.
ChainedEventListenerFactory Interface which indicates that an object is capable of acting as a factory for producing event listeners which are aware of an association with a filtered event stream produced by an EventFilter.
ErrorRecorder Interface which marks an object as having error recording and reporting capabilities.
EventListener Defines event notifications corresponding to observable events occurring in a module being traced.
EventListenerFactory Interface which indicates that an object is capable of acting as a factory for producing event listeners.
EventSpecification Defines the interface to be implemented by classes which supply a specification of events to be produced by a SemanticEventDispatcher.

Class Summary
AbstractEventSpecification Abstract class which provides various utility methods to classes implementing an event specification.
AllEvents Specification which instructs an SemanticEventDispatcher to generate all possible events.
AllModuleEvents Specification which instructs an SemanticEventDispatcher to generate all possible module events.
ConsoleTarget Pretty-prints observable trace events to the console (System.out).
EDProbe This class hosts the fields that are referenced by the probes inserted by the instrumentor, and which are monitored by the SemanticEventDispatcher.
EventFilter Abstract base class for all classes that wish to filter observable events in some way.
EventListener.Arguments Provides access to the arguments to a method.
EventListener.CallData Provides information about a method call.
EventListener.ExceptionData Provides information about an exception event.
EventListener.FieldData Provides information about a field event.
EventListener.MethodData Provides information about entry into a method.
EventListener.MonitorData Provides information about a monitor acquisition or release.
EventListener.NewAllocationData Provides information about an object which has been allocated by the NEW instruction, but not yet initialized by a constructor.
EventListener.ObjectData Provides information about an object on which an event occurred.
EventListener.ThreadData Provides information about the thread on which an observable event has occurred.
EventListener.ThreadStatus Type-safe enumeration for indicating the status of a thread on which an observable event has occurred.
EventSelectionFilter Event filter which provides null implementations of all of the EventListener methods, thus discarding the events.
EventSpecification.CallType Type-safe enumeration for the invoke instructions.
EventSpecification.FieldType Type-safe enumeration for the field related instructions.
EventSpecification.MethodAction Type-safe enumeration for the method entry and exit events.
EventSpecification.MonitorType Type-safe enumeration for the monitor events.
ModuleDescription Encapsulates the compiled representation of a module description file which was supplied to the instrumentor.
ObjectFilter Observable event filter which directs events to separate listeners for each object in the monitored system.
SemanticConstants Constants relevant to the semantic event dispatch classes.
SemanticDataHandler Handler for module description and event dispatch data files used by the semantic event dispatcher.
SemanticEventData Contains information generated by the instrumentor which is necessary for the semantic event dispatcher to operate.
SemanticEventDispatcher Class which generates the stream of observable events occurring in a traced program.
SemanticInstrumentor The instrumentor for semantic event dispatching.
ThreadFilter Observable event filter which directs events to separate listeners for each thread in the monitored system.
TraceFileTarget Generates a trace file of observed events.

Exception Summary
FactoryException Exception which indicates that an object factory was unable to satisfy a request for a new object.