Class ProgramEventDispatcher

  extended by sofya.ed.structural.AbstractEventDispatcher
      extended by sofya.ed.structural.ProgramEventDispatcher

public class ProgramEventDispatcher
extends AbstractEventDispatcher

A program event dispatcher is responsible for launching a subject program and dispatching an event stream of structural events observed during execution.

The program event dispatcher executes an instrumented subject in a separate Java virtual machine using a socket to receive the instrumentation probes. By implementing the event dispatcher in this manner, multi-threaded subjects can be monitored correctly (for coverage), subjects can be supplied specialized classpaths, and the event dispatcher can run other program event dispatchers as subjects.

The event dispatcher operates by creating a thread to receive and process instrumentation probes generated by the subject through a socket. The main thread then executes the subject in a separate JVM process and waits for it to terminate. It is considered paramount that a subject not be terminated unexpectedly so as to avoid an indeterminate or unstable system state. Therefore, termination of the subject is deferred as long as possible in the event of exceptions related to the event dispatcher. The socket connection to the subject is static and remains open until the subject terminates. This avoids severe performance degradation which is observed when transient socket connections are created for each trace message.

To support the static connection mechanism while preserving total self- traceability, a SocketProbe is used for all subjects. This class is packaged into a jar file that is added to the bootstrap classpath of the invoked subject; thus the static method calls to the SocketProbe resolve to the copy shared by the invoking event dispatcher, including when the subject is another event dispatcher, without introducing any ambiguities regarding the locations of subject classes in the classpath. A renamed copy of SocketProbe is also cloned into the jar file at runtime when it is desired to trace the execution of SocketProbe itself. If multiple event dispatchers are being chained together, the original clone is copied to each subsequent dispatcher. For additional details regarding how the instrumentation connection is made from the subject, see SocketProbe.

When an event dispatcher is running another event dispatcher as its subject, a situation arises in which the subject event dispatcher is running in one JVM process, and the subject event dispatcher's SocketProbe (logically considered a component of the subject event dispatcher) is running in another JVM process. Thus to perform a complete trace of a subject event dispatcher, it is necessary to receive socket connections for trace messages from two different processes. The invoking event dispatcher handles this situation by detecting that the subject is another event dispatcher (or being informed as such) and starting two processing threads executing a special synchronized version of the probe processing method. The subject event dispatcher will be instrumented to start its SocketProbe in a special mode that timestamps the trace messages. The synchronized threads then use the timestamps to preserve the order of the trace messages during processing. All of this special handling is internal - the resulting event stream appears no different than that generated for a regular subject.

For security and performance reasons, the event dispatcher socket only listens on the local loopback address ( This address is normally a virtual address in software which is never visible external to the machine and should not require data to go through the network hardware.

Alex Kinneer
See Also:
SocketProbe, Instrumentor, cfInstrumentor

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class sofya.ed.structural.AbstractEventDispatcher
AbstractEventDispatcher.CreateException, AbstractEventDispatcher.ExecException, AbstractEventDispatcher.SetupException, AbstractEventDispatcher.TraceFileException
Field Summary
protected static java.lang.String className
          Name of the class currently set to be run by the dispatcher.
protected static java.lang.String collectionsLib
          Location of the commons-collections library.
protected static EventDispatcherConfiguration config
          The global configuration and resources for this event dispatcher.
protected static boolean DEBUG
          Conditional compilation debug flag.
protected static char fileSep
          Convenience variable to represent directory separation character.
          Maximum number of instrumentation connections that can be accepted by the server socket (simultaneously).
protected static java.lang.String outputFile
          Name of output file to receive subject's output.
protected static char pathSep
          Convenience variable to represent path separation character.
protected static boolean pipeInput
          Flag to control whether stdin will be connected to the subject.
protected static int port
          Port on which socket should be opened to receive trace statements.
protected  SocketProcessingStrategy processingStrategy
          The probe processing strategy that this dispatcher is configured to use.
protected  sofya.ed.structural.ProgramEventDispatcher.ProcessorExecutor[] processor
          Holder array for the probe processor runners, only one element is used unless the subject is another event dispatcher.
protected static java.lang.Thread[] processorThread
          Holder array for the probe processing threads, only one element is used unless the subject is another event dispatcher.
protected static sbjout
          Stream to which subject's output should be written.
protected static serverSocket
          Socket which accepts instrumentation connection(s).
protected static stderr
          Stream to which filter's error outputs should be written.
protected static stdout
          Stream to which filter's normal outputs should be written.
protected static java.lang.String[] subjectArgs
          Set of arguments that will be passed to the subject.
protected static java.lang.String subjectCP
          Java classpath that will be set for the subject when it is run.
protected static int timeLimit
          Maximum time subject is allowed to run (0 equals no limit).
Fields inherited from class sofya.ed.structural.AbstractEventDispatcher
dispatcherReady, isInstrumented
Method Summary
protected  void checkRunning(java.lang.String msg)
          Checks whether the event dispatcher is currently running its subject and throws an exception if so.
 java.util.List configureDispatcher(java.util.List params)
          Configures this event dispatcher using the specified set of command line parameters.
 java.util.List configureDispatcher(java.lang.String[] params)
          Configures this event dispatcher using the specified set of command line parameters.
 void configureDispatcher(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String[] subjectArgs, java.lang.String subjectCP, int port, boolean pipeInput, int timeLimit, sbjoutStream, stdoutStream, stderrStream)
          Configures the event dispatcher with a new set of parameters to run a subject class.
static ProgramEventDispatcher createBlockCoverageTracer(java.lang.String[] argv, sbjout, stdout, stderr)
          Constructs a ready to run event dispatcher to collect basic block coverage traces, equivalent to the old Sofya Filter class.
static ProgramEventDispatcher createBlockSequenceTracer(java.lang.String[] argv, sbjout, stdout, stderr)
          Constructs a ready to run event dispatcher to collect basic block sequence traces, equivalent to the old Sofya SequenceFilter class.
static ProgramEventDispatcher createBranchCoverageTracer(java.lang.String[] argv, sbjout, stdout, stderr)
          Constructs a ready to run event dispatcher to collect branch coverage traces, equivalent to the old Sofya BranchFilter class.
static ProgramEventDispatcher createBranchSequenceTracer(java.lang.String[] argv, sbjout, stdout, stderr)
          Constructs a ready to run event dispatcher to collect branch sequence traces, equivalent to the old Sofya BranchSequenceFilter class.
static ProgramEventDispatcher createEventDispatcher(SocketProcessingStrategy strategy)
          Factory method that returns a singleton instance of the event dispatcher.
static ProgramEventDispatcher createEventDispatcher(SocketProcessingStrategy processingStrategy, sbjoutStream, stdoutStream, stderrStream)
          Factory method that returns a singleton instance of the event dispatcher.
static ProgramEventDispatcher createEventDispatcher(SocketProcessingStrategy processingStrategy, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String[] subjectArgs, java.lang.String subjectCP, int port, boolean pipeInput, int timeLimit, sbjoutStream, stdoutStream, stderrStream)
          Factory method that returns a singleton instance of the event dispatcher.
 java.lang.String[] getClassArguments()
          Gets the arguments to the subject class.
 java.lang.String getClassName()
          Gets the name of the subject class.
 int getPort()
          Gets the socket port on which the event dispatcher will listen for instrumentation from the subject.
 SocketProcessingStrategy getProcessingStrategy()
          Gets the probe processing strategy currently in use by the event dispatcher.
 boolean getRedirectInput()
          Reports whether the event dispatcher is set to redirect input on standard input to the subject's standard input stream.
 java.lang.String getSubjectClasspath()
          Gets the subject classpath.
 java.lang.String getSubjectOutputFile()
          Gets the name of the file to which subject output is redirected, if any.
 int getTimeLimit()
          Gets the maximum time in seconds that a subject is allowed to run before being forcibly terminated.
protected  boolean isReady()
          Reports whether the event dispatcher is ready to begin dispatching the event stream.
 void registerProcessor()
          Registers the probe processor and any attached components.
 void release()
          Releases this event dispatcher, its processing strategy, and any attached components.
 void reset()
          Resets the event dispatcher configuration; the event dispatcher must be reconfigured before it can be run again.
protected  void runSubject()
          Executes the subject, handling its inputs and outputs.
 void setClassArguments(java.lang.String[] arguments)
          Sets the arguments to the subject class.
 void setClassName(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the name of the subject class.
 void setPort(int port)
          Sets the socket port on which the event dispatcher will listen for instrumentation from the subject.
 void setProcessingStrategy(SocketProcessingStrategy processingStrategy)
          Sets the probe processing strategy to be used by the event dispatcher.
 void setRedirectInput(boolean enable)
          Sets whether the event dispatcher will redirect input on standard input to the subject's standard input stream.
 void setStandardErrorStream( stderrStream)
          Sets the stream to which the event dispatcher error outputs will be written.
 void setStandardOutputStream( stdoutStream)
          Sets the stream to which the event dispatcher standard outputs will be written.
 void setSubjectClasspath(java.lang.String cp)
          Sets the subject classpath.
 void setSubjectOutputFile(java.lang.String fileName)
          Sets the file to which the subject's outputs should be redirected.
 void setSubjectOutputStream( sbjoutStream)
          Sets the stream to which subject outputs will be written.
 void setTimeLimit(int tl)
          Sets the maximum time in seconds that a subject is allowed to run before being forcibly terminated.
protected  void setup()
          Performs setup actions to prepare the event dispatcher and subject for execution.
 void startDispatcher()
          Performs setup and runs the processing threads threads and subject.
protected startServer()
          Starts the server socket to receive the instrumentation connection(s).
protected  void startThreads()
          Creates and starts the trace statement processing thread(s).
protected  void stop()
          Signals the processing threads to stop.
protected  void stopServer()
          Stops the server socket, signalling the end of the event stream.
protected  void waitOnThreads()
          Waits for the probe processing threads to exit.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected SocketProcessingStrategy processingStrategy
The probe processing strategy that this dispatcher is configured to use.


protected sofya.ed.structural.ProgramEventDispatcher.ProcessorExecutor[] processor
Holder array for the probe processor runners, only one element is used unless the subject is another event dispatcher.


protected static java.lang.Thread[] processorThread
Holder array for the probe processing threads, only one element is used unless the subject is another event dispatcher.


protected static final boolean DEBUG
Conditional compilation debug flag. Set to false to ensure the compiler will optimize away all print statements guarded by this flag. When set to true, it may be convenient to remove the final qualifier and uncomment the -d parameter detection in main, so that this flag can be activated at the command line.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static EventDispatcherConfiguration config
The global configuration and resources for this event dispatcher.


protected static java.lang.String className
Name of the class currently set to be run by the dispatcher.


protected static java.lang.String[] subjectArgs
Set of arguments that will be passed to the subject.


protected static java.lang.String subjectCP
Java classpath that will be set for the subject when it is run.


protected static int port
Port on which socket should be opened to receive trace statements.


protected static boolean pipeInput
Flag to control whether stdin will be connected to the subject. Set to true when the -i option is used. This is false by default since it introduces the overhead of another thread and is not consistent with the objectives of automated regression testing.


protected static int timeLimit
Maximum time subject is allowed to run (0 equals no limit). Set using -tl option.


protected static java.lang.String outputFile
Name of output file to receive subject's output. This takes precedence over sbjout.


protected static sbjout
Stream to which subject's output should be written.


protected static stdout
Stream to which filter's normal outputs should be written.


protected static stderr
Stream to which filter's error outputs should be written.


protected static volatile serverSocket
Socket which accepts instrumentation connection(s).


protected static java.lang.String collectionsLib
Location of the commons-collections library. This is determined in the static initializer by searching the classpath for a directory containing the appropriate jar file.


protected static final char fileSep
Convenience variable to represent directory separation character.


protected static final char pathSep
Convenience variable to represent path separation character.


public static final int MAX_CONNECTIONS
Maximum number of instrumentation connections that can be accepted by the server socket (simultaneously). Should not need to be greater than two (one connection for subject filter and one connection for subject filter's SocketProbe).

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static ProgramEventDispatcher createEventDispatcher(SocketProcessingStrategy strategy)
                                                    throws AbstractEventDispatcher.CreateException
Factory method that returns a singleton instance of the event dispatcher.

A singleton strategy is enforced because important parts of the class data are static. This is necessary to enable the multi-threaded probe processing strategy used when another event dispatcher is the subject, and for efficiency.

strategy - Processing strategy to be used to process probes received from the instrumentation.
A new event dispatcher, or a reference to the existing singleton instance. An existing instance can be reconfigured, enabling dispatch of multiple event streams.
CreateException - If the commons-collections library could not be found by the static initializer.


public static ProgramEventDispatcher createEventDispatcher(SocketProcessingStrategy processingStrategy,
                                                    throws AbstractEventDispatcher.CreateException
Factory method that returns a singleton instance of the event dispatcher.

A singleton strategy is enforced because important parts of the class data are static. This is necessary to enable the multi-threaded probe processing strategy used when another event dispatcher is the subject, and for efficiency.

processingStrategy - Processing strategy to be used to process probes received from the instrumentation.
sbjoutStream - Output stream to which subject's outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default.
stdoutStream - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's normal outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default. When the dispatcher is compiled in DEBUG mode, debug information is also printed to this stream.
stderrStream - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's error outputs are to be written. If null, System.err is used by default.
A new event dispatcher, or a reference to the existing singleton instance. An existing instance can be reconfigured, enabling dispatch of multiple event streams.
CreateException - If the commons-collections library could not be found by the static initializer.


public static ProgramEventDispatcher createEventDispatcher(SocketProcessingStrategy processingStrategy,
                                                           java.lang.String className,
                                                           java.lang.String[] subjectArgs,
                                                           java.lang.String subjectCP,
                                                           int port,
                                                           boolean pipeInput,
                                                           int timeLimit,
                                                    throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
Factory method that returns a singleton instance of the event dispatcher.

A singleton strategy is enforced because important parts of the class data are static. This is necessary to enable the multi-threaded probe processing strategy used when another event dispatcher is the subject, and for efficiency.

className - Name of the subject class which is to be executed.
subjectArgs - Set of arguments to be passed to the subject class.
subjectCP - Java classpath that will be set for the subject when it is executed.
port - The port number on which event dispatcher should listen for incoming instrumentation messages from the subject. The valid range is 1024 to 65535. An exception is the value -1, which instructs it to select the default port.
pipeInput - If true, the event dispatcher will redirect input on the standard input stream to the subject's standard input stream.
timeLimit - The length of time in seconds that the subject is allowed to run before being killed.
sbjoutStream - Output stream to which subject's outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default.
stdoutStream - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's normal outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default. When the dispatcher is compiled in DEBUG mode, debug information is also printed to this stream.
stderrStream - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's error outputs are to be written. If null, System.err is used by default.
A new event dispatcher, or a reference to the existing singleton instance. An existing instance can be reconfigured, enabling dispatch of multiple event streams.
CreateException - If the commons-collections library could not be found by the static initializer.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If required parameters are missing, invalid parameters are encountered, or data required for optional parameters is missing.


protected void stop()
Signals the processing threads to stop.

This method signals the processing threads to forcibly terminate. The socket connection will be closed and any necessary standard cleanup is performed. Use with caution; this will result in incomplete traces and inconsistent behavior in the subject.


public SocketProcessingStrategy getProcessingStrategy()
Gets the probe processing strategy currently in use by the event dispatcher.

The processing strategy being used by the event dispatcher to receive probes.


public void setProcessingStrategy(SocketProcessingStrategy processingStrategy)
Sets the probe processing strategy to be used by the event dispatcher.

processingStrategy - The processing strategy to be used by the event dispatcher to receive probes.


public void reset()
Resets the event dispatcher configuration; the event dispatcher must be reconfigured before it can be run again.


protected boolean isReady()
Reports whether the event dispatcher is ready to begin dispatching the event stream.

true if the event dispatcher and all attached components indicate that they are ready to being dispatching the event stream.


public void release()
Releases this event dispatcher, its processing strategy, and any attached components.

After release, attached components may have to be replaced or fully reinitialized.


public void registerProcessor()
Registers the probe processor and any attached components.


protected startServer()
                                     throws AbstractEventDispatcher.ExecException
Starts the server socket to receive the instrumentation connection(s).

AbstractEventDispatcher.ExecException - If there is an error binding the server socket.


protected void stopServer()
Stops the server socket, signalling the end of the event stream.


public void startDispatcher()
                     throws AbstractEventDispatcher.SetupException,
Performs setup and runs the processing threads threads and subject. This is the main driving method for the event dispatcher.

Specified by:
startDispatcher in class AbstractEventDispatcher
SetupException - If there is an error attempting to set up the event dispatcher to run the subject.
AbstractEventDispatcher.ExecException - If an error occurs executing the subject. This does not include exceptions thrown by the subject itself, only errors in the event dispatcher while attempting to interface with the subject.


protected void setup()
              throws AbstractEventDispatcher.SetupException
Performs setup actions to prepare the event dispatcher and subject for execution.

This method is responsible for relocating the SocketProbe, patching the subject's classpath, and creating SocketProbeAlt.

SetupException - If there is an error performing any of the aforementioned tasks.


protected void startThreads()
                     throws AbstractEventDispatcher.ExecException
Creates and starts the trace statement processing thread(s).

Starts the thread(s) to process incoming instrumentation messages.

AbstractEventDispatcher.ExecException - If there is an error binding the server socket to listen for incoming instrumentation messages.


protected void waitOnThreads()
                      throws AbstractEventDispatcher.ExecException
Waits for the probe processing threads to exit.

This method is used to ensure orderly termination of the threads, regardless of the circumstances under which the event dispatcher exits. If the subject was not found to be instrumented, this method will itself stop the processing threads.

AbstractEventDispatcher.ExecException - If an exception occurs while waiting for the threads to exit.


protected void runSubject()
                   throws AbstractEventDispatcher.ExecException
Executes the subject, handling its inputs and outputs.

The subject process is executed, and a thread is created to pipe outputs from the subject. If piping of input to the subject and/or a time limit has been imposed on the subject, those threads are created here also. Upon completion of the subject's execution (or forcible termination), the method waits for the processing threads to finish.



protected void checkRunning(java.lang.String msg)
                     throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Checks whether the event dispatcher is currently running its subject and throws an exception if so.

This method can be used to guard operations that should not be performed while the event dispatcher is actively running a subject.

msg - Message to be assigned to the exception.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the event dispatcher is currently running its subject.


public void configureDispatcher(java.lang.String className,
                                java.lang.String[] subjectArgs,
                                java.lang.String subjectCP,
                                int port,
                                boolean pipeInput,
                                int timeLimit,
                         throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
Configures the event dispatcher with a new set of parameters to run a subject class.

className - Name of the subject class which is to be executed.
subjectArgs - Set of arguments to be passed to the subject class.
subjectCP - Java classpath that will be set for the subject when it is executed.
port - The port number on which event dispatcher should listen for incoming instrumentation messages from the subject. The valid range is 1024 to 65535. An exception is the value -1, which instructs it to select the default port.
pipeInput - If true, the event dispatcher will redirect input on the standard input stream to the subject's standard input stream.
timeLimit - The length of time in seconds that the subject is allowed to run before being killed.
sbjoutStream - Output stream to which subject's outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default.
stdoutStream - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's normal outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default. When the dispatcher is compiled in DEBUG mode, debug information is also printed to this stream.
stderrStream - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's error outputs are to be written. If null, System.err is used by default.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If required parameters are missing, invalid parameters are encountered, or data required for optional parameters is missing.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If called while the event dispatcher is running.


public java.util.List configureDispatcher(java.lang.String[] params)
                                   throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
Configures this event dispatcher using the specified set of command line parameters.

params - Array of command line parameters.
A list of parameters that were unrecognized. If the method does not throw an exception, the event dispatcher will have been configured to a runnable state, thus it is at the discretion of the caller whether or not to do anything with this list.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If required parameters are missing or data required for optional parameters is missing.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If called while the event dispatcher is running.


public java.util.List configureDispatcher(java.util.List params)
                                   throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
Configures this event dispatcher using the specified set of command line parameters.

The public method first ensures that all state variables are cleared before calling this method. It is expected that implementations will remove from the list those parameters which it has successfully processed. This creates an extensible model that permits new parameters to be defined by attached classes implementing ActiveComponent. Such a component can process all the parameters that it recognizes and then pass the remainder of the list back to be provided to other components for processing or returned to the caller.

params - List of strings containing the command line parameters.
A list of parameters that were unrecognized. Other components may attempt to process these parameters, or they can be returned back to the caller for handling (usually to report as an error).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If required parameters are missing or data required for optional parameters is missing.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If called while the event dispatcher is running.


public java.lang.String getClassName()
Gets the name of the subject class.

The name of the subject class being executed by the event dispatcher.


public void setClassName(java.lang.String value)
                  throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Sets the name of the subject class.

value - The name of the subject class to be executed by the event dispatcher.


public java.lang.String[] getClassArguments()
Gets the arguments to the subject class.

The arguments that will be passed to the subject when it is run by the event dispatcher.


public void setClassArguments(java.lang.String[] arguments)
                       throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Sets the arguments to the subject class.

arguments - The arguments that should be passed to the subject when it is run by the event dispatcher.


public java.lang.String getSubjectClasspath()
Gets the subject classpath.

The classpath that will be set for the subject when it is run by the event dispatcher.


public void setSubjectClasspath(java.lang.String cp)
                         throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Sets the subject classpath.

cp - The classpath that should be set for the subject when it is run by the event dispatcher.


public java.lang.String getSubjectOutputFile()
Gets the name of the file to which subject output is redirected, if any.

Note: Even if the subject's output is not being directed to a file, it may still be redirected to an output stream. However, file redirection takes precedence over any specified stream.

The name of the file, including path, to which subject output will be redirected, null if output is not being redirected to file.


public void setSubjectOutputFile(java.lang.String fileName)
                          throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Sets the file to which the subject's outputs should be redirected.

Specifying a file for redirection in this manner takes precedence over any requests to redirect output to a stream. You can pass null to this method to cause the event dispatcher to revert to the last stream specified for redirection.

fileName - Name of the file to which output should be redirected, including path if desired. If null, disables redirection to file and causes the event dispatcher to default to the last specified stream (stdout if none has been specified).


public int getPort()
Gets the socket port on which the event dispatcher will listen for instrumentation from the subject.

The port number on which the event dispatcher will connect the socket to listen for incoming instrumentation messages from the subject.


public void setPort(int port)
             throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Sets the socket port on which the event dispatcher will listen for instrumentation from the subject.

port - The port number on which the event dispatcher should listen for incoming instrumentation messages from the subject. The valid range is 1024 to 65535. An exception is the value -1, which instructs it to select the default port.


public int getTimeLimit()
Gets the maximum time in seconds that a subject is allowed to run before being forcibly terminated.

The length of time in seconds that a subject can run before being killed. 0 (zero) signifies that a subject is permitted to run indefinitely.


public void setTimeLimit(int tl)
                  throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Sets the maximum time in seconds that a subject is allowed to run before being forcibly terminated.

tl - The length of time in seconds that the subject can run before being killed. 0 (zero) signifies that a subject is permitted to run indefinitely.


public boolean getRedirectInput()
Reports whether the event dispatcher is set to redirect input on standard input to the subject's standard input stream.

true if the event dispatcher is to redirect input on stdin to the subject, false otherwise.


public void setRedirectInput(boolean enable)
                      throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Sets whether the event dispatcher will redirect input on standard input to the subject's standard input stream.

enable - true to enable redirection, false to disable.


public void setSubjectOutputStream( sbjoutStream)
Sets the stream to which subject outputs will be written.

sbjoutStream - Output stream to which subject outputs are to be written.


public void setStandardOutputStream( stdoutStream)
Sets the stream to which the event dispatcher standard outputs will be written.

stdoutStream - Output stream to which the event dispatcher standard outputs are to be written.


public void setStandardErrorStream( stderrStream)
Sets the stream to which the event dispatcher error outputs will be written.

stderrStream - Output stream to which the event dispatcher error outputs are to be written.


public static ProgramEventDispatcher createBlockCoverageTracer(java.lang.String[] argv,
                                                        throws AbstractEventDispatcher.CreateException
Constructs a ready to run event dispatcher to collect basic block coverage traces, equivalent to the old Sofya Filter class.

argv - Array of command line parameters.
sbjout - Output stream to which subject's outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default.
stdout - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's normal outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default. When the dispatcher is compiled in DEBUG mode, debug information is also printed to this stream.
stderr - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's error outputs are to be written. If null, System.err is used by default.
A new event dispatcher, or a reference to the existing singleton instance. An existing instance can be reconfigured, enabling dispatch of multiple event streams.
CreateException - If the commons-collections library could not be found by the static initializer.


public static ProgramEventDispatcher createBlockSequenceTracer(java.lang.String[] argv,
                                                        throws AbstractEventDispatcher.CreateException
Constructs a ready to run event dispatcher to collect basic block sequence traces, equivalent to the old Sofya SequenceFilter class.

argv - Array of command line parameters.
sbjout - Output stream to which subject's outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default.
stdout - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's normal outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default. When the dispatcher is compiled in DEBUG mode, debug information is also printed to this stream.
stderr - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's error outputs are to be written. If null, System.err is used by default.
A new event dispatcher, or a reference to the existing singleton instance. An existing instance can be reconfigured, enabling dispatch of multiple event streams.
CreateException - If the commons-collections library could not be found by the static initializer.


public static ProgramEventDispatcher createBranchCoverageTracer(java.lang.String[] argv,
                                                         throws AbstractEventDispatcher.CreateException
Constructs a ready to run event dispatcher to collect branch coverage traces, equivalent to the old Sofya BranchFilter class.

argv - Array of command line parameters.
sbjout - Output stream to which subject's outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default.
stdout - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's normal outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default. When the dispatcher is compiled in DEBUG mode, debug information is also printed to this stream.
stderr - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's error outputs are to be written. If null, System.err is used by default.
A new event dispatcher, or a reference to the existing singleton instance. An existing instance can be reconfigured, enabling dispatch of multiple event streams.
CreateException - If the commons-collections library could not be found by the static initializer.


public static ProgramEventDispatcher createBranchSequenceTracer(java.lang.String[] argv,
                                                         throws AbstractEventDispatcher.CreateException
Constructs a ready to run event dispatcher to collect branch sequence traces, equivalent to the old Sofya BranchSequenceFilter class.

argv - Array of command line parameters.
sbjout - Output stream to which subject's outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default.
stdout - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's normal outputs are to be written. If null, System.out is used by default. When the dispatcher is compiled in DEBUG mode, debug information is also printed to this stream.
stderr - Output stream to which the event dispatcher's error outputs are to be written. If null, System.err is used by default.
A new event dispatcher, or a reference to the existing singleton instance. An existing instance can be reconfigured, enabling dispatch of multiple event streams.
CreateException - If the commons-collections library could not be found by the static initializer.